Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome Back

Oviatt Elementary
Laura Sivadge, PK-2 Principal
Rodney Martinez, PK-2 Dean of Students

Welcome back to school!  You may be asking yourself, “Where did the summer go?”  August is here and the first day of school is Wednesday, August 22!  We encourage parents/guardians of Oviatt PK-2 students to review the Elementary Student Handbook or Preschool Handbook as part of your family’s preparation for the new school year!  These handbooks are posted on the district’s website,, on the Oviatt or Preschool link.

The Oviatt Elementary mission statement cites our desire to “work collaboratively to develop the academic, social, emotional, and physical self of the child into a self-directed, lifelong learner.  Each student is given the opportunity to achieve at his or her highest potential in a safe and caring learning environment.”

You have our commitment that we will continually keep the Oviatt mission statement in mind.  With each decision made, Oviatt staff members ask themselves, “Is this decision made in the best interest of the child(ren)?”    

K-2 Information
Walk-in registration for K-12 students is scheduled August 6 and 9, from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the Eastview cafeteria.  If you are the parent of a kindergarten student, it is appreciated if you register at District Office, 981-0676, prior to August 6, as enrollment numbers are more difficult to predict for kindergarten when compared to the other grade levels.  Early notification allows us to be better prepared. 

Class Rosters
Parent Portal can be accessed on Monday, August 13, to find out your child’s teacher.  If you have not signed up for Parent Portal, you will want to check the website, and click on the “Parents” link that leads you to the “Request an Account” form.  For the safety of each child, we do not post a paper copy of class lists.

Please note that we may need to adjust class lists if a particular class size increases to the point that an additional class section needs formed.  If this happens, parents/guardians are informed by email and phone of the placement change. 

Classroom Supply Lists
Supply lists can be accessed on the district website.  Click on the “Parents” link, and then the link labeled, “Supply Lists.”  There is also a posted copy of the supply lists for each of the grade levels on Entry Doors 1, 2, and 14.

Kindergarten Open House
Parents of incoming kindergarten students will receive a postcard inviting family members to the Monday, August 20, Kindergarten Open House, scheduled from 5:00-5:45 p.m.  The Norwalk PTO and Watch D.O.G.S. members are sponsoring the first annual Kindergarten Kick-Off for the new school year!  We ask that all Kindergarten family members please join us for this special welcome from your child’s kindergarten teacher!  School supplies can also be brought to this event.  Childcare for siblings is provided.

First & Second Grade Open House
We have Open House for children in First and Second grade on Tuesday, August 21, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. We hope you are able to join us so you and your child can meet the teacher and see old friends and new classmates!  We have staggered the start and end time of the two elementary open houses to better accommodate families who have children attending both schools.

School supplies can be brought to school during Open House, if you prefer one less thing to remember the following morning as you pack for school.  If you ordered your child’s supplies using the company, Custom Classroom Supplies, your child’s supply box will be set out on your child’s desk during Open House.

Parents are encouraged to use Open House as a time to acclimate your child to the drop-off areas and the path to follow in walking to his or her classroom.  On those first days of school, we will have several adults at Entries 2 and 14 to welcome the children and assist them in finding their classrooms.  If available, a school resource officer will be present to assist parents in the parking lot areas.      

Oviatt Three & Four-Year Old Preschool Programs
The Oviatt Preschool Program follows the Norwalk Community School District’s school calendar; however, the program begins a few days later than the K-12 students due to scheduled Home Visits, etc., with the parents, teacher(s), and children.  Parents of Oviatt preschoolers recently received a welcome letter from their child’s teacher. 

Please note:
Four-Year Old Program: Classes meet four days per week, with Wednesday a day of no school. 

Three-Year Old Program: Classes for general education students meet three days per week – M, T, & Th. Special education three-year-olds meet four days per week, M, T, Th & F.

We have two morning sections that are multiage for three-and four-year old preschoolers.  The afternoon preschool program is solely for the four-year-old population of special education and general education students.  The special education needs of the early learners in our district guide the district in determining the preschool program design each school year.  Both preschool programs follow a full inclusion model with general education and special education students playing, learning, and thriving together in the same classroom.  Program modifications are individualized to match the needs of each child.

Please check the district’s website,, and access the Oviatt Preschool Program site if you want more information on the Oviatt Preschool Program.

Open House for all children in the Oviatt Preschool Program is Thursday, August 30.  We have two sessions scheduled, from 5:15-6:00 or 6:15-7:00, in hopes one of the two times works for our families.  All family members are welcome to join their preschooler(s) for this special event!

Preschoolers’ First Day of School
The first day of preschool is Tuesday, September 4.  The morning session meets from 8:05-11:00, and the afternoon session meets from 11:50-2:45.  Miss Cole and Mrs. Sieren, Oviatt preschool teachers, met with the general education preschoolers and their family members during home visits and look forward to seeing everyone for Open House and the first day of school!

As shared previously, the Oviatt Preschool Program Handbook information is posted on the district’s website,  Parents will want to check this document for information regarding arrival and dismissal protocol and other pertinent topics.  An adult shall accompany preschoolers when they enter and exit the building.  This adult stays with the preschooler until the classroom opens at 8:00 a.m. for the morning session, and 11:45 for the afternoon session.     

Dates & Times
School Hours
7:35     Doors open at Oviatt (Students should not be dropped off before 7:35 a.m., unless attending Apple Tree, as there is no supervision of students before that time.)
7:55       Classrooms open
8:05       Classes start/Tardy time*
2:50       Dismissal for students riding a bus 
3:00       Dismissal for all other students

Early Out Dismissal: One Wednesday each month, students are dismissed early allowing teachers to attend professional development training.  
11:50    Dismissal for students riding a bus
12:00    Dismissal for all other students

Important Oviatt Dates – Beginning of Year
August 6 & 9       District Registration 4:00-7:00 at Eastview cafeteria
August 20            Kindergarten Open House 5:00-5:45
August 21            1st & 2nd grade Open House 6:00-7:30
August 22-24      2:00 dismissal
August 28            Watch D.O.G.  Awareness Meeting
August 30            Preschool Open House 5:15-7:00
September 3      NO SCHOOL – Labor Day Holiday
September 4      Preschool begins
September 7      Lifetouch pictures*
                                Parent Advisory Committee Meeting – 7-8:30 a.m. at Lakewood
                                  Topic: Internet Safety
September 19   Early Out, Teacher Professional Development – 12:00

*A prepay picture information package is sent home with the students prior to picture day.  A make-up day is scheduled later for those absent on picture day, or those whose pictures were unacceptable.  All students are required to have their pictures taken for school records, even if parents do not plan to purchase a picture package.

In Closing….Communications for Preschool-Grade 2
Oviatt staff will communicate frequently regarding information specific to classroom or grade level topics.  We will have a Parent Advisory Committee for both the Preschool and K-5 Program.  These two advisory committees meet approximately three times during the school year.  You will be asked to share your interest in serving on Parent Advisory during Open House. 

We look forward to a great 2012-2013 school year with everyone involved with the children in our Oviatt program!